Liliane Lijn
Four Figures of Light   1978

(1) 188 x 243 cm ; 74" x 95.5"
optical glass periscope prism, chromed spring steel with prisms, chromed perforated steel triangular upright, circular steel base

(2) 167 x 213 cm ; 65.5" x 84"
optical glass periscope prism, chromed spring steel with prisms, aluminium angle, steel blocks

(3) 160cm high; 63"
optical glass periscope prism, aluminium angles, chromed steel blocks

(4) 147 cm high; 58"
optical glass periscope prism, aluminium angles, chromed steel blocks


Hayward Gallery, London.

I wanted to make human figures stripped down to the essential but also bring to them something new. I used military and industrial materials to make them icons of the central power of our society and gave them heads which reflect and refract light emitting beams of colour.