Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds
two sculptures:
227 x 185 x 185 cm / 7’6” x 6’1″ x 6’1″
237 cm x 185 x 185 cm / 7’10” x 6’1″ x 6’1″
Optical glass prism, aluminium
Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds embody many of the essential characteristics of Lijn’s work.
Based on the idea that structure is born from the interaction of negative and positive elements, they are many-layered, conical, both material and immaterial and derived from the radiating reflective facets of a prism.
An optical glass tank prism served as Lijn’s starting point. She then extended its 3 facets out horizontally and vertically in space through a progression of triangular aluminium plates.
The two Queens are twins. All the plates that make up the two sculptures were originally intended to form one sculpture. However, this proved too dense, and Lijn solved the problem by splitting the initial sculpture into two equal and opposite figures.
Lijn is interested in the idea of a twin system in which twins exist as parallel but opposite beings.