Athens, Greece
Former Public Tobacco Factory – Hellenic Parliament Library & Printing House
Liliane Lijn’s works Early Events: Narrative Sculptures 1996 – 2000. will be exhibited at NEON.
“A collaboration between the Hellenic Parliament and ΝΕΟΝ
Curated by Elina Kountouri, Director, ΝΕΟΝ and Madeleine Grynsztejn, Pritzker Director, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Prompted by the anniversary year 2021, Portals will develop messages, ideas and re ection on the new reality that is formedeach time through revolution and upheaval. A total of 40 artists from Greece and abroad – including newly commissioned works- will explore this di erent reality through themes such as Movement, the Communal, Connection, and Home.
Portals will include programmes about the building of the Tobacco Factory and its history that will be developed in collaborationwith the Hellenic Parliament departments. Moreover, a series of talks and educational programmes along with an online ‘portal’ will operate along with the physical presentation of the works.”
More information about the exhibition is here.